Study of mass transfer and hygroscopic properties of Australian mass-timber panels and species in hot and humid conditions- moisture sorption and desorption [Moisture/Durability] [Journal Article] 2023 Maryam Shirmohammadi Wood is a commonly used building material with numerous advantages over other construction products. However, in engineered wood products such as cross-laminated-timber and laminated veneer lumber moisture absorption can lead to decay, swelling, deformation, and glue line failures, diminishing their properties. Understanding moisture intrusion processes in these materials can aid manufacturers, engineers, and architects in developing effective moisture management strategies during and after cons... |
Mechanical Properties of Underutilized Hardwood Species and Potential for Use in Fabrication of Cross-Laminated Timber Industrial Mats [Raw Materials] [Journal Article] 2024 This research evaluated the mechanical and physical properties of three underutilized hardwood species according to visual lumber grades. Findings are discussed in relation to the requirements recommended such as density, modulus of rupture (MOR), and modulus of elasticity (MOE) for the manufacture of cross-laminated timber (CLT) industrial mats, which is a potential end use of low-valued hardwood species. Results showed that all species tested had an average MOE greater than that required for C... |
An Overview of CLT Research and Implementation in North America [General Information] [Conference Paper] 2016 Shiling Pei, Douglas Rammer, Marjan Popovski, Tom Williamson, Philip Line, John W. van de Lindt Although not yet seen as common practice, building with cross laminated timber (CLT) is gaining momentum in North America. Behind the scenes of the widely publicized project initiatives such as the Wood Innovation Design Centre Building in Canada and the recent U.S. Tall Wood Building Competition, substantial research, engineering, and development has been completed or is underway to enable the adoption of this innovative building system. This paper presents a brief overview of the current statu... |
Numerical assessment of In-plane behavior of multi-panel CLT shear walls for modular structures [Connectors] [Journal Article] 2023 Sujit Bhandari, Erica C. Fischer, Mariapaola Riggio, Lech Muszynski Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) harvested from restoration forests in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States is being considered for use in cross laminated timber (CLT). A prototype modular building was designed and constructed to assess the feasibility of using such CLT panels in emergency housing that can be rapidly assembled, disassembled, and reused. The modular building uses narrow-width CLT panels connected with intra-modular connections (butt joints with inclined screws) that ... |
The Role of In-Field Experiments for the Definition of Procedural Guidelines on the “CASE Project” Timber Buildings in L’Aquila [Case Study/Projects] [Journal Article] 2023 Martina Sciomenta, Chiara Bedon, Danilo Ranalli These single- or two-story buildings are characterized by total surface from 40 to 70 square meters, realized by employing two of most common wood-based earthquake-resistant structural systems, namely the light-frame or the cross-laminated timber (CLT) system respectively. After 13 years, these structures require maintenance interventions to preserve their original functionality, as also emphasized by recent accidental partial collapses and by individual diagnostic investigations. Among others,... |
Serviceability Criteria for the Dynamic Response of Timber Floors [Vibration/Acoustic Performance] [Journal Article] 2023 Angelo Aloisio, Roberto Tomasi, Yuri De Santis, Thomas Hillberg, Dag Pasquale Pasca, Pier Francesco Giordano, Marco Martino Rosso, Maria Pina Limongelli, Chiara Bedon Timber floors can be susceptible to human-induced vibration due to the low density of timber compared to other construction materials. Human-induced vibration is a complex problem due to many involved parameters. As in many dynamic systems, the response depends on the dynamic parameters and the excitation source. Therefore, more advanced assessment methods must consider suitable human-floor interaction models.... |
Evaluation of Seismic Fragilities of Special Concentrically Braced Frame Equipped with Innovative Cross-Laminated Timbersteel Floor Diaphragms [Seismic Performance] [Thesis/Dissertation] 2019 Chaoyue Zhang To gauge influences of the actual in-plane stiffness of diaphragms on a timber-steel hybrid building system, this research analyzes its seismic performance via a series of nonlinear dynamic analyses. Three finite-element building models were developed by adopting the OpenSees framework and were characterized by (i) rigid diaphragms, (ii) actual stiffness of the CLT diaphragm subassemblies, including the panel-to-panel slab connections, and (iii) stiffness of the CLT diaphragm subassemblies witho... |
Effect of Thermal Modification on the Ballistic Performance of Coastal Western Hemlock Cross-laminated Timber (CLT) [Raw Materials] [Journal Article] 2023 Juliet Swinea, Peter Stynoski, Andrew Lessel, Geoffrey Wood, Lauren K. Stewart western hemlock CLT systems in military applications, 109 ballistic experiments were conducted at the United States Army Engineer Research Development Center's Fragmentation Simulation Facility. For a range of CLT thicknesses, the depth of penetration and residual velocities were recorded for different striking velocities utilizing a 0.50 caliber steel sphere projectile. This information was used to compare and add to the existing ballistics data for CLT, investigate the effects of thermal modif... |
Case Study: A 10-Storey Timber Braced Frame and CLT Structure in Vancouver, BC [Case Study/Projects] [Conference Paper] 2023 Carla Dickof, Robert Jackson, Jenna Kim, Ashkan Hashemi This paper outlines the structural design approach used for the Keith Drive Office Building project, a 10-storey mass timber building in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The office building includes exposed timber throughout most of the building, including timber brace frames along the perimeter, and cross laminated timber (CLT) shearwalls at the interior near the elevator and stair cores for seismic and wind forces. The project deployed resilient slip friction joint (RSFJ) dampers as energy... |
Experimental Testing and Numerical Simulation of Timber-Concrete Composite Floors in Fire [Mechanical Performance] [Journal Article] 2023 Julie Liu, Erica C. Fischer, Andre R. Barbosa, Arijit Sinha Timber–concrete composite (TCC) floors exposed to fire experience charring and thermal degradation of timber, leading to a reduction in load-carrying capacity. Finite element (FE) modeling supplements data from experimental fire testing and allows for fast and economical investigation of additional design parameters. This research presents fire test results of three large-scale TCC floor specimens and development of an FE modeling methodology for TCC floors in a fire. TCC floors constructed with... |
Stability of timber structures under wind-induced forces A parametric study of stabilizing systems in timber structures [Design/Architectural aspects] [Thesis/Dissertation] 2023 OLIVER WENNERHOLM, WILLIAM THULIN The use of timber as a construction material has gained popularity in recent years and is continuously growing due to increased interest in climate neutrality. This is mostly the result of staying in line with the Paris Agreement, but also due to the new legislation from Boverket in 2021 demanding a climate declaration on all newly built structures. However, challenges arise when constructing timber structures due to their limited stiffness and mass compared to concrete buildings of similar geom... |
Mass Timber and Tall Wood Buildings: An Update [Standards/Building code] [Report] 2023 Kathryn Fernholz, Mark Jacobs, Gloria Erickson, Tamberly Conway, Sarah Harris, Jim Bowyer, Harry Groot, Ed Pepke Nearly seven years later, this update report summarizes policy and code changes which have occurred in recent years and the trends in adoption of mass timber. We also look ahead to consider the challenges that mass timber may face. This report focuses on developments related to mass timber construction in the United States with some references to resources and information available globally.... |
SLB_Q1_June2022_11x17_English_Newsletter_WEB-1-3.pdf [Markets] [other] ... |
SLB 2022 Q2 Quarterly Investment Update [Design/Architectural aspects] [Report] 2022 SLB The SLB is expanding its education offerings to ensure that wood is the material of choice in the built environment—now and in the future. In addition to growing existing platforms like the Wood Institute, the SLB also recently launched several initiatives to reach targeted audiences within the design and building ecosystem.... |
Optimising laminated high-mass timber components assembled from a fibre-grown resource for building applications [Raw Materials] [Thesis/Dissertation] 2019 Mohammad Derikvand This doctoral thesis aimed to develop and optimise higher-value structural nail-laminated timber (NLT) floor panels from fibre-managed plantation eucalypt timber. The target specie was Eucalyptus nitens (E. nitens), which is the main plantation hardwood specie in Tasmania. In parts of the experimental investigations of this thesis, however, tests have been done on plantation Eucalyptus globulus (E. globulus) as well to create a basis for comparison with E. nitens—E. globulus is the main plantati... |
Design and analysis of a hybrid timber-steel floating substructure for a 15 MW semisubmersible-type FWT [Moisture/Durability] [Thesis/Dissertation] 2023 Hassan Hasan Yousef, Yucong Ma This thesis proposes a novel design of a hybrid timber-steel floating substructure for the IEA 15 MW floating wind turbine. The new design presents a modified version of the UMaine VolturnUS-S semisubmersible platform that was initially developed for the same turbine. The main objective of the new design is to reduce the turbine’s overall CO2 footprint. This objective is achieved by replacing structural steel with glued laminated timber, a more sustainable material known for its environmental be... |
Development of preservative-treated cross-laminated timber and lignin-reinforced polyurethane-adhesive for glued laminated timber [Moisture/Durability] [Thesis/Dissertation] 2023 Samuel Oluwafemi Ayanleye Interest in the use of mass timber in building and construction is growing worldwide, this is due to the structural integrity and reduced environmental footprint of timber-based structures. Concerns associated with the biological and environmental degradation of mass timber necessitate the development of adequate protection strategies to ensure the durability of these products. Preservative treatment is a proven technique that increases the durability and performance of wood in-service and can a... |
Evaluating the Effect of Inner Layer Grain Orientation on Dimensional Stability in Hybrid Species Cross- and Diagonal-Cross-laminated Timber (DCLT) [Moisture/Durability] [Journal Article] 2023 Shaghayegh Kurzinski, Paul Crovella, William Smith Wood deformation due to moisture adsorption and desorption in the cell wall components challenges the dimensional stability of multi-layer wood-based panels. This is a common issue in timber products with single board products and parallel glued layers (such as Glued-laminated Timber; GLT). Orienting the inner layers of timber products at an angle, like plywood and Cross-laminated Timber (CLT), with the perpendicular (90°) orientation of the inner layers, helps minimize overall shrinkage and swe... |
Computational modelling of enclosure fires with exposed timber surfaces [null] [other] Martin D Granum, ... |
Computational modelling of enclosure fires with exposed timber surfaces [Fire Performance] [Thesis/Dissertation] 2023 Martin D. Granum The existing body of research exploring the use of CFD software for modelling fires involving exposed timber surfaces is limited. Additionally, the accuracy of results from these studies varies widely. However, interest in this area of research is growing due to its potential in facilitating safe, economically viable, and aesthetically pleasing building solutions. An investigation of the subject is here presented, aiming to contribute to this emerging field and provide insight into existing know... |
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